quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2009


3rd November, 1957

Laika lived in Sputnik shines. The terrestrial dog became lunatic, ethereal, orbital, fantastically starry eyed and cathodic. Laika was in 96 minutes and 12 seconds the earthly ribbon, the sound in space, the chasm and chimes of research on universal love. She linked up with the galaxy, surpassed all limits known to those worldly affairs, remade at lightening speed the dreams of orbit cycling. Caught up in the Northern lights to chase a bright cookie stratospheric bone.

She entered the macro-specific, retro-mobile pantheon of repetitive rhythms of the universe. She was and she is as she became immortal and evanescent, as she disintegrated of her earthly body shapes, and expanded as knowledge in rapid flashes of tender primal spheres of being. My shooting star spurting oxygen went sky high and melted pretty in pink with auroral sub-storms.

Estrellas fugaz, asteroide, cometa, Mark Twain, planetario, centelleante, satélite, lluvia de estrellas, meteorito, cráter, lunar, lunático, marciano, atmósfera, Júpiter y Zeus, mercurio, H2O, azufre, oxígeno, vacío, agujero negro, inmensidad, eternidad, Big Bang, espacio sideral, estrella, constelación, polar, antártida, osa mayor, aurora boreal, telescopio, estación espacial, nave, guerra de las galaxias, selenita, blandy blub, telúrico, resplandor, circunvalación y órbita celeste, anillos de Saturno y cápsula espacial.

Todo eres ...

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